Congrats Shannon Wilson

Hutchison & Steffen is thrilled to announce that Firm Partner Shannon Wilson has been awarded the Louie Wiener Pro Bono Service Award by the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. Incredibly, this is the 3rd time Shannon has been recognized and singled out for the impact she’s made with her pro bono work. Congratulations Shannon!

Congrats Astrid Perez

Congratulations to Firm Attorney Astrid Perez on a recent win in a contentious labor arbitration concerning a governmental entity failing to promote a female deputy to sergeant for over twenty years. In the Arbitrator’s Award and written decision received, the Arbitrator found that the City violated Article 5 and Article 21 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement when it…

Congratulations Patti Lee

Congrats Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee Appointed to Nevada Supreme Court On November 21, 2022, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced the appointment of Firm Partner, Patricia Lee, Esq., to the Nevada Supreme Court, Seat F, effective immediately. Patty will fill the recently vacated seat for the remainder of the term, expiring January 6, 2025. “All of us at Hutchison…

Congrats Michael R. Brooks

Firm Partner Michael Brooks recently won a motion for summary judgment last week in Minden, Nevada. Michael was brought in to handle the motion for summary judgment and trial for a home mortgage lender against a borrower that had not paid in over 10 years. He insisted the loan was unenforceable due to issues with…