

How to Shield Your Website or App from Copycats

2 They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That’s all well and good if someone copies your new outfit. But imitation is a whole other issue when it comes to online innovation. Let’s say you’ve just come up with a new online business idea and you’re convinced it has the potential to…

HUT Freelance Contracts

New York City Imposes New Rules for Freelance Contracts

The nation’s largest city just passed a law that will change the way employers do business with independent contractors. Other cities could follow. Under the new law, any agreement with an independent contractor for services that pays more than $800 in a 120-day period must be in writing. The contract must contain the name and…

HUT Trap

Beware of this ‘trap’ in commercial insurance

Many commercial insurance policies contain what’s called a “protective safeguards endorsement.” This gives the property owner a break on its insurance premiums if the owner protects the property through a fire alarm, automatic sprinkler system, fire safety service contract, or other method of preventing harm. Sounds like a good idea, right? It can be ……

Actual resolution of legal issues depends upon many factors, including variations of fact and state laws. This article is not intended to provide legal advice on specific subjects, but rather to provide insight into legal developments and issues. The reader should always consult with legal counsel before taking any action on matters covered by this article. Nothing herein should be construed to create or offer the existence of any attorney-client relationship.